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Boy Genius by Yongsoo Park

His Excellency, the great and powerful,

Takes my life away and strips me bare, leaves me nothing else to live for.

I move to the land of opportunities, yet I'm rotting in the streets of Bogota,

Adopted by a pack of wild dogs, but I've only got bark and no bite.


Training harder and harder, I will win this eventual war,

But there's no way to remove Napalm, burning my body and spirit.

I need a new body, an "American" one will do, 

With good spleen comes acceptance to society.


Parents are brutally murdered by wild dogs, I will find him,

He who leads the pack, outraged by my surrender.

But when I find him, the dog tells another tale,

A man named HIJ is responsible.


His Excellency, why do you continue to haunt me still?

I've got a beautiful wife who loves me, but she doesn't understand.

That I must find you and make you pay,

For everything you've done.


I embark on my journey to find the Vietnam veteran,

Finding myself in a dangerous neighborhood.

A ukulele filled with Lucky Strikes,

I've found him but it's too late for answers.


Surrounded by a group of conflicted men,

They tell me that I don't understand, that I'm just like the others.

I was once in their position, a target to racial discrimination,

But with my new body, even I can't tell who I really am.


Shot in the leg a dozen times, somehow I'm still alive,

I'm stuck in rehabilitation, hosted by another Genius.

Attempts to get me hooked on Indira, tries to make me join his cause,

Holds me at gunpoint, I play chicken with my life and live to see another day.


Her name is so ironic, Clarity, who will never realize,

What it means to be a Genius, what it means to know.

My wife has married the wild dog,

And I'm left, all alone.


My only friend dies at one hundred and six, 

I swim across the Pacific Ocean to be swallowed by a whale.

Surviving on fish and sea water, I think I'm gonna puke,

Taking back the life that is rightfully mine.


Prominent as ever, the scar on his face,

He offers to reunite me with my parents, a lie no doubt.

We walk to the balcony, to spread my parents' "ashes",

Grasping his hand and I jump into the river, images of those he killed flashes through my head as he sinks to the bottom.


My father, the Prince of Bonghwa, greets me with open arms,

My mother cries a fountain of joy, washing my feet with her tears.

The Kingdom of Heaven, where there is no sorrow and regret.

I am finally home.

Fall From Grace








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